Are You Forgetting to Market to Your Existing Customers

Are You Forgetting to Market to Your Existing Customers Most business owners have tried different marketing strategies and methods and there is a small percentage that dominate the market while the rest spend a lot of time and money only to generate very bad results....

Is Your Business Ready for Google’s New Mobile First Change?

Websites play a vital role in your sales process and it used to be that having an informative website was sufficient. Times quickly changed as info-hungry customers started ditching their YellowPages books and turned their search and company comparisons primarily to...

Get Aligned with Customers for Better Sales

Most business owners are focused on generating leads and there is often little time spent on focusing on a particular target. Taking a blanket approach to attracting customers can get expensive and produce very poor results as well because your marketing budget will...

Is Voice Search the Next Big Thing for Google and Search Engines?

You have likely heard about voice search by now. In fact, you may even own a device with search by voice technology such as Google Home or your smartphone with Google Assistant. Many marketers believe that this is the next big thing in search and customer behaviour...

Get Organized with Your Business with a Proper Todo List

When you are running a business it can be very easy to fall into the trap of having the business run you. Don’t be that guy or gal. Instead, organize your business tasks and never miss another important deadline, task, meeting or lead follow up. Many entrepreneurs...

Are You Ready for Instagram’s New Algorithm

There is a lot of buzz going on in the marketing community as Instagram has announced the plan to rollout a new algorithm that will in some ways affect many business owners and digital promoters. Before we dive into how the new algorithm is different, it is important...